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  Jay Siegel, Dean of SPST: “Feng Cuiling and I work together to create and develop the School of pharmaceutical science and technology in Tianjin. And this is now 3 years officially that we work together for almost 5 years that we know each other, and had this dream together. I still remember the first time she came to Switzerland and we discuss building new a type of institute in China. She was very excited. We look the labs in Switzerland as a model for we can do in China. And many of those ideas then were the inspiration for the things we plan able to do here in Tianjin. She is in everyway my equal. We work together hand in hand. She takes over all of the ministration and she is the really the spiritual mother of the institute and I handle more the version and the inspiration coming from the west but it was fantastic cooperation and I think she is an absolutely wonderful coordinate in this process. ”




  人事处处长杜青:“2012年的党委扩大会,药学院是冯书记去的,她那时刚做完化疗手术,所以我们非常清楚的看到她戴了一个假头套去,当时气氛特别感动,她上去时大家哗哗鼓掌,下来时大家也哗哗鼓掌,可以看出她对学院的情况非常了解,思路非常清晰,场面非常感人。201311月份左右,药学院请我们去参观为Jay Siegel准备的实验平台。当时有一个小的剪彩仪式,里面有一个视频,这个视频是在实验室建立的过程中,每隔两三天拍一张照片。这里面出现次数最多的是冯书记——这里面还不包括她自己照的照片,里面没有自己。所以最后在李校长和Jay Siegel致词中都提到,这里面你们看谁出现的次数最多,谁就是对我们这个实验室贡献最大的一个人。”




  Mark Olson:“I think it was the one of the major influences that gotten me to come to China when got to meet the administration of SPST, I was particularly influenced by Cuiling. I was happy to know I will be working with somebody who came off has being very nice, very kind and who really care about the people who works for her, and she walked with my wife and we feel very comfortable and I was a really big thing. My family came here over February, 2016. She got to meet my kids and again I just feel really good. To be able to experience because often time you go work for a company, you go work for an institution in university and people you work for, may not be so warmhearted, but she basically embraces, open arms, and I am very happy to be working with her. She works a really good job and make so comfortable. Not only that she is absolutely professional and I think that is really important because nowadays east and west, some of the relationships the workers have with the administrators are not productive ones, and I feel like the relationship by Cuiling is productive one. I feel like if I have ensure a problem I can go and to her office we can have a very open conversation about what bother me or something hampering the research productivity of my group. So it been a really big pleasure to come to China to take part in the family—SPST, and particular for each American, Cuiling I think make the major influence on why we feel good here and why we feel happy here in China.”

  药学院美籍教授Mark Olson:“我认为影响我来到中国工作的主要原因之一是当我见到药物科学与技术学院的管理者时,我被翠玲深深地影响了。我非常高兴能和一个非常友好、非常亲切、能关心和她一起工作的朋友的人一起工作。她和我的妻子一起散步,这让我感到非常的舒服,而且让我觉得自己非常重要。我的家人20162月来到中国。她抱了我的孩子,我再次感到非常的开心。谈到工作经历,因为许多时候你在公司工作,在学校的研究所工作,和你一起工作的人不会如此热心。但是她总是敞开心扉让我非常高兴地在这里和她一起工作。她做了非常细致的工作使我在这里能够的工作非常舒适。这不仅仅是因为她很专业,还有更重要的就是在当代工作中,不管是东方还是西方,职员和领导者的关系并不是很好沟通而且富有成效的,但是我和翠玲的关系是很好很有成效的。当我遇到困难时,我可以去她的办公室和她很坦率地探讨我遇到的烦恼、我碰到的问题和一些影响我的课题组科研的问题。所以对我来说来到中国加入到药学院的大家庭中是非常荣耀的一件事情,尤其是对于每个来到这里的美国人来说,我认为翠玲是‘让我们感到在中国工作很美好、很开心’的最主要原因。”

   Nasir Jalal:I remember the time when I wanted to join the SPST as early as possible, because of some of my personal problems,I requested SPST to kindly invite me over here as early as possible. And I think it was a very instrumental role that played by the whole administration of SPST, It was commendable. How they quickly process my papers and I arrived here on the first Feb of 2015. And something that I still remembered that touched my heart is that when I landed at the airport with my family, with my wife and two children, and obviously we had a lot of luggage. There were two students from SPST who were waiting there because they had come to pick me up, and I feel such a big gratefully, because at a situation when you are in a different country, a different land, you don’t know the language, you don’t know the culture, and how do you communicate with the taxi driver? But, on the way these two kids instructed all of these by the SPST,how they managed everything, brought me here. That’s very nice, I still love it, and my family cherished it. Miss. Cuiling who is the party secretary of SPST, everybody around us saw her as the mother of SPST, because she is very nice, and with motherly attitude, always smiling. She never says no to anybody, and she always comes up to everyone.

  巴基斯坦博士后Nasir Jalal:“我仍然记得,当我因为个人原因想要尽快加入药学院时候,我希望药学院能尽快邀请我来到这里来。我认为整个药学院的管理发挥了很棒的作用,非常值得赞扬。他们怎么做到那么快地接受了我的申请,我在2015年二月份就到了这里。一个触动我内心的事情就是,当我和妻子及两个孩子在机场落地之后,我们带了很多的行李,外面有两个药学院的学生正在等我们,他们是来接我们的。我非常感恩,因为当你在来到一个新的国家,一片新的土地时,你不懂这里的语言、文化,如何跟出租车司机沟通呢?在路上这两个学生介绍了药学院是如何管理所有的事情并且把我带到这里的。这是一段非常美好的回忆,我现在依然很珍惜这件事情,我的家人也很珍惜。冯翠玲是中国竞彩网的党委书记,我身边的人都把她视为药学院的母亲,因为她很友好,有慈母般的态度和笑容,她从来不对人说不,跟所有人都相处融洽。”